Here's a selection of our wedding photos, shot by our fabulous photographer Astrid Riddervold. This post includes shots of maid of honor Ingrid, best man Martin and my little brother Sivert, who carried the rings in the church.
- Enjoy!

My dress didn't cooperate very well, haha!
(This picture hasn't been edited, cause i took it from the sample CD. I hope that's ok, Astrid! ;)

I have trouble deciding which one is my favourite, cause I like them all! But if I have to choose, I'd say the one at the bottom with us walking with the balloons, or the one where we are kissing on the stairs.
What picture do you like best?
- Enjoy!
My dress didn't cooperate very well, haha!
(This picture hasn't been edited, cause i took it from the sample CD. I hope that's ok, Astrid! ;)
I have trouble deciding which one is my favourite, cause I like them all! But if I have to choose, I'd say the one at the bottom with us walking with the balloons, or the one where we are kissing on the stairs.
What picture do you like best?
Digger bildene på huska! Haha! Og det med begge bak sløret. Og det der kjolen ikke samarbeider ;) Mrsmt :D
SvarSlettUnderbara bilder! Älskar den där klänningen blåser upp, så man kan se alla tyglager. Ser ut som en klassisk pin up bild! :)
SvarSlettTakk, jenter! Jeg digger også bildet der kjolen blåser opp! Bare vent til jeg publiserer bilder fra "trash the dres" fotoshooten som jeg og Silje gjorde før jeg reiste til USA!