tirsdag 31. januar 2012

Winter Wonderland In Retrospect

Here are some pictures from our Christmas Holiday or winter break in Trondheim, Norway. Quite different from the last blog post, this one. Beach life is a bit different from snow, or more like it, piles of snow! Well, both can be beautiful, but I must say I prefer the hot temperatures of California. I and Karl got up extremely early during our whole stay in Norway, most likely because of jetlag. But that can be nice, because you get to do so much in one day that way!

Again, if you want to read the Norwegian version, it's here

This particular morning, I think it might have been January 2nd or something, I got up early and went for a walk. Right by my mom's house, where we stayed, there's a pretty place with lot's of fields and a cute little stone church. This is the church we got married in this summer. It looks quite different surrounded by snow. Don't know quite what to say of the results of my little photo walk, but my photos captured the morning mood in a nice way, I think. 

søndag 29. januar 2012

Sunset Beach And Other Weekend Activities

This weekend has been really nice! We started out with a relaxing movie night on Friday, and saw among other things the first episode ot Sherlock. We both liked it a lot, so now we're hooked on that show too, I'm afraid. I don't suppose we'll ever run out of series to watch. Before watching Sherlock we finished the last episode of Downton Abbey. We can hardly wait for season 3 to come! We love it!

By the way, if you want to read this blog post in Norwegian, you can do that here

Saturday morning we went jogging and did a couple of strengthening exercises afterwards. And patted ourselves on the shoulder of course. Then we went to Sunset Beach. Some of you might remember Aaron Spelling's flop of a TV show bearing the same name? Ok, so this is where that series supposedly took place! It's a beautiful beach surrounded by nice houses. We enjoyed the sun and waited for the sunset. As California residents (read: tourists) we are of course "collecting" beaches.  They lie at the coast like pearls on a string! We want to see all of them.

Karl Yngve in front of the nice houses. I think we would have enjoyed living there, to be honest!

Me greeting the sun!

torsdag 26. januar 2012

Fulbright Luncheon

Well, I was supposed to publish this in December, but that didn't happen. So here it is, in January. In early December we were at a Fulbright luncheon in Ann Kerr's house in LA. She arranges all the social events for the Fulbright scholars in the SoCal-area. Her house is on a hilltop with the most perfect view I have ever seen (at least from a private house). Everybody were supposed to bring a Christmas food course from their home country. This result was so much delicious food that I ws full for the rest of the day! We brought "lussekatter" or "lucia cats/saffron buns". Silje, a Norwegian girl studying in San Diego, brought real Norwegian rice porridge, which was delicious! 

Of course there was free beer and whine . Here, Karl is enjoying a beer. Have you seen the cute mini-pool behind him, by the way? 

Jul i Vegsundet

Nå har flere klaget over bloggtørke, så nå må vi slå til. Det har vært flere innlegg under planlegging, skjønner dere, men de har latt vente på seg. Vi starter med noen bilder fra julen. Det kommer snart solfylte bilder også, men jeg tar disse først! Jul i retrospekt der, altså!

Det er et kjent ordtak at der det er hjerterom, er det husrom. Eller noe sånt. Det er i alle fall mye av førstnevnte i Vegsundet like utenfor Ålesund, der julen ble feiret i år.

søndag 15. januar 2012

Exactly My Cup Of Tea

Når man er så heldig å bo 20 min unna Disneyland nesten et helt år, så må det bare utnyttes. Det sier seg selv! Dermed ble det til at vi tok oss en liten tur dit i går. Julepynten var tatt ned nå, for i Amerika er jula bare en dag, toppen to. Spørs hvem man feirer sammen med. I Disneyland varer forsåvidt jula i over en måned. Men nå var det bare vanlig Disneyland. Artig å se det også! De hadde plantet nye blomster i blomsterbeddene, og freshet opp det ene og det andre.

tirsdag 3. januar 2012

Nyttårsaften 2011

Nyttårsaften 2011 startet med middag hos Ingrid og Hans Petter, og det var kjempekoselig! Masse god mat hadde vi og! Alle hadde tatt meg seg en matrett, og alt var kjempegodt! Nam!

Ingrid og Hans Petter har så koselig hus, og nå var det ekstra koselig med juletre med tente julelys.