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Viser innlegg med etiketten LosAngeles. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 8. juli 2012

Huntington Gardens

So here's a blog post from April this year, from when my mum and my grandpa visited us in Irvine. 

If you're ever in the Los Angeles area, Huntington Gardens in Pasadena is a nice place to go. It is very beautiful and relaxing. Huntington is a collection of different gardens, such as the rose garden, the japanese garden, the chinese garden and the more exotic desert garden. There is also a library containing very old books, and an art gallery with some fancy paintings in it! It all used to be the home of Henry Huntington in the early 1900's. 
Ahh, the peace just comes to you in this magnificent place!

mandag 14. mai 2012

Pinup Parade in Disneyland!

Yesterday we could finally go to the long-expected Pinup Parade in Disneyland! The lovely ladies behind Pinup Girl Clothing arranged a day in the park for their fans, and I had been looking forward to this for a very long time!

So, to set the mood for this post, I've added a youtube video. It's mostly for the music, so if you want, you can skip the start and go right to the song at 1:17! I've heard this song so many times times in my life, but I never realized that it's written for the Tiki room in Disneyland!

Micheline and co had prepared a nice program for the day. Karl and I was lazy as usual on a sunday morning, and didn't get there until the meetup at the castle at 2 pm. But that's ok. We got to experience a lot of fun with the PUG crew anyway! 
So, for the meetups Micheline read us questions about Disneyland, and we were supposed to answer. The ones who knew the answers got a nice PUG t-shirt. I didn't know a lot of the answers, but I learned a couple of new things: Cats are actually very welcome in Disneyland, because they chase away rodents and other unwanted creatures, and the most popular dessert dish in Disneyland is ice cream, curiously enough. I was convinced it was churros. Well, it does make sense, though, since it's pretty hot in SoCal!

onsdag 18. april 2012

Påskefeiring i California - Del 4

På onsdagen, altså i forrige uke, ble det sightseeing med tradisjonelle sightseeing-steder i LA. Hører jo med når man først er her, det. Men først, for å redde pappas ferie: Et besøk på The Horn Guys i Long Beach. 

Der ble det spilling og kos med diverse "juffer".

Ferien er offisielt reddet!

fredag 13. april 2012

Påskefeiring i California - Del 2

På onsdag i forrige uke kom altså Pappa, Gunnveig, Heidi, Sondre og Sivert på besøk! Det var koselig. Vi har gjort mye artig, blant annet har vi vært på Griffith Observatory sammen med Ole og Karl Yngve. En ordentlig ekspedisjon dette, altså! 

Gunnveig, Sivert og Heidi foran Downtown LA.

tirsdag 10. april 2012

Påskefeiring i California

Ja, her har det vært feiret påske til den store gullmedalje! Vi har kost oss med besøk. Blant annet er Pappa, Gunnveig, Sivert, Sondre og Heidi her for tiden. I forrige uke hadde vi besøk av vår venn Ole, noe som også var veldig trivelig! Så her kommer noen bilder fra da Ole var på besøk.

Rendal hadde selvsagt gått til innkjøp av påskepynt! Blomster i hele huset, vet dere ;)

søndag 25. mars 2012

Pacific Highway!

For english speaking/reading friends: Google translate is your friend!

Jeg tenkte at Red Hot Chili Peppers' Road Trippin' måtte være den ultimate sangen for dette blogginnlegget. Jeg kommer ikke til å skrive så sykt mye her (gjør jeg noen gang det, egentlig?), men dere får kose dere med masse solbilder fra turen vår ned fra San Francisco på Pacific Highway! Den tok sin tid, men det var verdt det! Det var en fantastisk fin biltur, med Stillehavet på den ene siden, og klipper og greier på andre siden. Tenk at det allerede har gått to uker siden bildene ble tatt! I dag er det ikke mye som minner om det, det regner i California, og jeg har vært på klinikken og øvd på Redcord sammen med Andrea. Karl Yngve har kost seg med Starcraft, og er for øyeblikket ute og løper, spreke mannen. I går var han med som prøvekanin i Redcord, og kanskje jeg publiserer et aldri så lite bilde av ham i tauene ved en senere anledning! Men uansett! Kos dere med bildene fra turen vår fra San Francisco til irvine! 

Etter å ha fått oss kaffe på Starbuck's kjørte vi sørvestover gjennom Purisima Creek og Tunitas Creek hvos det var masse store, fine trær! Vi tror det var Redwood-trær, men de var nok ikke så store som de man finner i f.eks Yosemite. Men fin stemning var det, der vi kjørte nedover og nedover på en tynn, svingete vei. 

Mmh! Skogen!

Koose på treet.

tirsdag 20. mars 2012

Neurac 1 weekend!

All right, folks! We've done a lot of fun stuff lately, but I haven't had the time to blog properly. We have been down town in LA, and I haven't written anything from our drive south form San Francisco on the pacific coast highway!  Well, I'll have to do something about that!  Norwegian version here

This weekend I participated in a Neurac 1 course in Studio City, LA. It's a course for physical therapists, trainers or other personnel working in rehabilitation. It was refreshing to do something "real" in physical therapy again, something that I can put on my resumé, especially since I've started applying for jobs in Norway now! Of course, I have been in a PT environment for a couple of days a week over some time now, but it's just not the same when I don't have a PT licence in California. I'm really looking forward to working independently again, and to have responsibility for my own patients! So for that reason it was really refreshing to learn about Neurac/Redcord this weekend, and particularly since this is actually a concept developed in Norway! 

For those who don't know what it is, the word "Neurac" is an abrevation of " neuromuscular activation". We have mainly two types of muscles in our bodies, the global (outer, moving joints) and the local muscles (deep core muscles, stabilizing). The ones that make movements, like moving an arm quickly, are called global movers. And then there are the ones that keep us in an upright position, the stabilizers. We have both global and local stabilizers, but the ones that we want to focus on here are the local ones we find deep, and close to the joints. They don't actually move, They don't necessarily shorten signicificantly, but they are there, working slowly all day long to stabilize us and keep us upright. When we experience pain in an area, let's say the neck, it leads to an alteration of our movement pattern. We compensate for the pain by "shutting of" the local stabilizers, and activating the global muscles more in order to keep the neck upright. So when you're starting a movement after having pain, the global muscles "switch on" before the local stabilizers do. And this is the wrong order, because in order for us to have a functional movement pattern, the deep stabilizers must switch on before the global ones to support our movements. One can argue that this is a functional movement pattern as long as there is pain. The thing is, however, that this muscle recruiting pattern often persists after the pain has dissappeared! The movement pattern may in itself be the source of continued pain, even though the original cause is gone. So then the task is to learn the correct movement pattern all over again, and this is where the Redcord comes in. By using our own body weight as resistance on an unstable surface, we can test for weak links in our muscles and find the right level for each individual to activate the muscles that don't work properly. Then you can start exercising in the Redcord assisted by unloading (using bungees) and adjustment for one's own individual level. What we do in the Redcord is actually neuromuscular re-education, which means that we are learning the functional movement patterns all over again, and by doing that, reducing pain as well. 

If any of my physio-friends have any comments on the text above, please share them with me. I've tried simplifying the principles, so that everyone can understand, and I'd love some feedback on if I got something wrong or how I could have written it differently!

In this course we were 5 participants, a good number, since we had only two Redcord work stations available. I drove up from Irvine on friday for the course start at 1 pm, and spent the rest of the weekend at my friend Margret's place in Westwood, only 15 minutes away from Studio City! Just perfect! 

So here we see Duncan as a test person. He's a manual therapist based in LA. He is also working in a couple of education programs in the Kaltenborn method, which is really fun, because Freddy Kaltenborn and Olav Evjen, his co-writer on several books, are Norwegian. They use Kaltenborn's mobilisation principles in PT school in the US as well. Duncan knows them both apparently. Being in a foreign PT environment is really fun! You get to see that Norwegians actually have had, and still has a lot of influence in the field! That's so cool! 

lørdag 10. mars 2012

Janina, Malin, Santa Monica, San Diego and Tattoos!

So here we have some updates on what we've been up to the last week! We have traveled for some days, and it's been a lot of fun! Janina, our friend from Norway has been visiting us this week, and we've done a lot of cool stuff together! Last Friday we went up to Santa Monica and Venice Beach and spent almost the whole day there. Always a lot of fun stuff to watch there!

Norwegian version here! // Norsk versjon her!

Janina made a friend!

mandag 20. februar 2012

California Screamin'!

Saturday we took Toril og Julie to Six Flags, north of LA. It's a gigantic park full of awesome rollercoasters. And Ole, you're gonna have so much fuuun! Norwegian version here.

Ahh...the sound of screams...

torsdag 26. januar 2012

Fulbright Luncheon

Well, I was supposed to publish this in December, but that didn't happen. So here it is, in January. In early December we were at a Fulbright luncheon in Ann Kerr's house in LA. She arranges all the social events for the Fulbright scholars in the SoCal-area. Her house is on a hilltop with the most perfect view I have ever seen (at least from a private house). Everybody were supposed to bring a Christmas food course from their home country. This result was so much delicious food that I ws full for the rest of the day! We brought "lussekatter" or "lucia cats/saffron buns". Silje, a Norwegian girl studying in San Diego, brought real Norwegian rice porridge, which was delicious! 

Of course there was free beer and whine . Here, Karl is enjoying a beer. Have you seen the cute mini-pool behind him, by the way? 

søndag 18. desember 2011

Tori Amos i Orpheum Theatre

Jeg visste allerede da vi flyttet hit at Tori Amos skulle ha konsert i Desember. Faktisk skulle hun ha to, men begge konsertene hadde vært utsolgt siden tidenes morgen. Jeg var litt skuffa over dette, for Tori er en av mine favorittartister, og jeg hadde virkelig lyst til å dra på denne konserten! Det ble ikke akkurat mer stas når jeg fikk høre at selveste Thomas Dybdahl skulle varme opp for Tori. -Strø salt i såret, lissom! De som er venner av meg på facebook har vel kanskje sett et par frustrerte statusoppdateringer om akkurat dette temaet. 

Vel, på nettsidene til Ticketmaster står det at man kan sjekke etter ledige billetter veldig sent, som f.eks dagen før. Så det gjorde jeg. Sjekka på fedag om det var noe ledig. Det var faktisk en hel billett ledig, og jeg veide for og imot med meg selv om jeg skulle gidde å kjøre inn til LA alene og sitte der og høre konserten for meg selv. Jeg kom fram til at det ikke var verdt det, og slo fra meg hele greia. Morgenen etter sjekket jeg igjen, og sannelig var det ti-tolv billetter ledige, gode billetter også! Karl Yngve kjøpte billettene på betingelse av at dette ble julegaven min. Vi fikk til og med sitte sammen! Jeg var kjempefornøyd, jeg! Jeg pingvinklappet av fornøydhet opptil flere ganger på vei inn til LA. 

Vet du ikke hvem Tori Amos er, sier du? Da kan du ta en titt på musikkvideoen under. hun er en herlig blanding av sangere som Kate Bush og Joni MItchell, men hun er mest av alt sitt eksentriske selv. "Winter" er en av hennes mest kjente sanger, og hun spilte den som ekstranummer i går etter tilrop fra publikum. Det er nok en noe yngre Tori vi ser i musikkvideoen, men dama holder seg veldig godt, og er et fyrverkeri på scenen!